Monday 21 February 2011

A National Bank will help us get some of the way towards a solution to our current problems. It will introduce a significant investor into the economy whose primary motivation is the progressive improvement in the standard of living of the citizens through the financing of businesses, infrastructure, major projects that require long term funding and services that would otherwise not be provided by the private sector.

The engine of the economy are the businesses large and small that create the wealth that our overblown State needs to keep going. At present we suffer under an oppressive taxation system which has as its sole end the funding of extravagant and wasteful Government programs These range from the damaging to the disastrous. From scrapped voting machines to disincentives and welfare traps that keep workers from entering the labour market. From unnecessary expenditures in the public sector due to "year end syndrome"; to bailouts of private banks.These extravagances include the pay rates of public employees which exceed the market rates for such labour by 30-40% on average. These extravagances include the employment of four hundred thousand people to do work that should be easily done by half that number given modern computer technology. And the list goes on and on.... It is surely true to say that a system which will incentivise profligate waste needs to be radically overhauled if we are to prosper as a society. Get the numbers right and change the ratio of public employees in the economy and we can have a public sector that does not weigh the economy down as at present.

Whatever the number of public employees, the State has to pay for them and so it needs taxes. The key is the removal of taxation from the dynamic component of the economy allowing businesses to build up and thrive as they seek to satisfy the needs of the consumers both here and abroad. We should not be putting up barriers to employment such as high minimum wage thresholds and taxing employers on workers hired.

So I seek the abolishment of a number of taxes, including; VAT, PRSI, PAYE, and Corporation Tax. The taxes we require to run our State should come from two sources only: property tax and the dividend provided by the National Bank.(another  important factor concerning the National Bank, is that the State can avoid the interest component of the costs of large projects. These interest charges can amount to as much as fifty percent of such costs.)

This is how we build the skeleton of a strong economy. The brains, heart, muscles and sinew are provided by the people. Government should just get out of the way and provide credit and a sound money. The people will do the rest.

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